Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Non Stimulus Effect – Moving Slightly Forward

The state of Oregon has issued a map, which is linked to the data of what counties are receiving Federal stimulus monies. If you notice the counties with the largest liberal voting blocks are receiving the most money. The counties that are more conservative politically are receiving less.

And then there is Tri-Met, also receiving Federal stimulus money, making the deceleration that the money that they receive will be used to install heated switches, repair worn-out track, upgrade the roadbed that the track sits on. Using existing vendors, which means that, with an unemployment rate greater than ten percent, no one without a job already will get a new one.

So much for the word stimulus, in point of fact this is just business as usual, because Tri-Met plans to lay off some drivers and curtail service. So as you can see our original thesis is correct. The Federal government is going head over heals in debt and the alleged stimulus is having zero effect.


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