Sunday, January 11, 2009

Oregon Governor Revokes Part of The US Constitution

It appears that our current governor wants to place a price tag on your freedom of movement.
The Oregon governor, a democrat, has passed on to the Oregon legislature a most ominous idea. He wants this idea to become law. With nary a whimper from the ACLU or any of the alleged personal rights advocates. What is this heinous idea?

The governor wants every automobile to have a GPS device installed in it, either at the factory or as an after market device. This device would then “talk” to the fuel pump at the gas station and you could receive gas for your car, as well as pay a per mile tax for using the public road. Seems like a good idea fro making money.

However, this device could be used to deny you the fuel that you need, place you on unannounced fuel ration, and then also allow the government to confiscate your private car. No way to work because you do not live where there is public transportation. Or because public transportation does not run at the hours your need in order to get to work.

The US Constitution, and subsequently the Oregon Constitution allow for freedom of movement. The governor’s idea is to place a price tag on the freedom that we all have right to via the US Constitution. In addition it prevents people that live in rural parts of the state form buying goods where they want, prevents competition in the private sector, limits commerce to trains, drives up ambulance costs, and ultimately will cause the death of completely innocent people. Because they can not afford the per mile charge,

The state of Oregon already receives fuel tax making a mileage tax unneeded. If you think that the government will not rise the per mileage tax to any number that they want, remember in 1955 Washington State citizens were told that the sales tax would never need to go higher than 3 percent. Fifty-three years later the sales tax is 8.3 percent in most places, yet another example of how government lies to us all.

What other freedom will he want to sell next, and to whom?


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