Five years ago the Governor of Oregon touted green industries and environmental ideas as the wave of the future. Since this Blog is about the effects that laws, and the political ideas that spawn them, have on us all . I decided to point our a little known fact.
The more that the state of Oregon chases “Green” companies, “Green” building and the sacred cow of “Sustainability”. The higher the state’s unemployment gets, the less is manufactured, and the less money that government makes.
In five years of going “Green”, the average wage in Oregon has fell from forty eight thousand a year to forty thousand a year. In the same period the unemployment rate has risen to 9.1 percent.
Proof that going “green” has cost people their jobs or forced people to take lesser paying jobs. This in turn costs the state government, and retailers money. Never fear governor has a plan.
Raise taxes, raise fees, and invent new fees to rise. This will have the effect of the few “green” manufactures removing to a state that is more business friendly. This is how Oregon lost bio-fuel companies, and manufacturing to other states and countries.