Saturday, November 15, 2008

Government Figures To Take Your Next Raise.

The Governor of Oregon is a lot of things, has been called a lot of things, will be called a lot of other things, but apparent intelligence does not seem to be one of the things he is called lately.

Having taking Oregon down the mythic “humans cause global warming” road, he now takes a “government confiscates your raise" detour. He has sent to the mambe pambe Oregon legislature a method to raise money for “road projects. Proclaiming himself to be the Oregon answer to FDR, something he is never going to be, our “great” governor has decided to hurt as many people as possible.

The method he is using is two fold, first he ignores the fact that Oregon already gets money to repair and build road with. The FEDS pay Oregon money to maintain and upgrade National highways, including Interstate 5, and every time you purchase fuel for your truck or car the state of Oregon gets money. Second he ignores that fully half of the road money Oregon spends on road repair goes for anything but roads. Parks, bike paths, public light rail, public bus systems, but not roads because bike paths state wide move .5 percent of the population. That is one half of one percent state wide and only for nine months of the year.

At no point is the money spent on “roads” ever qualified before the public, so the public does not know that Oregon wastes money like there is no tomorrow.

His proposal is to raise the taxes, or fees, on automotive and heavy truck licenses plates, driver’s licenses, registrations and a new fee. We remind you all that Department of Ecological Quality (DEQ) inspections are a scam designed to make the State of Oregon money.

The fee proposal, in money is as follows, notice the new fee:

  • Increasing the motor vehicle registration fee from $27 to $81 year to raise an additional $308 million
  • Increase the motor vehicle title fee from $55 to $110 a year to raise an additional $100 million.
  • Creating a $100 first-time title fee to raise $33 million.
  • Increasing the state gas tax from 24 cents to 26 cents per gallon to raised an additional $58 million.

    Our governor’s reasoning is that the best thing to do, to help the economy, is to spend money. Spend money building and repairing roads that should have been maintained already. Since the maintenance money has been already spent on non-road things, the governor has decided that the State needs more money. Notice he is not advocating for more thrift in spending or even accountability in spending.

    What the effect of all this will be is that the people, the ones the governor wants to put to work, will not be able to get to work because they cannot afford the transportation. Busses and trains you see do not go to road projects. Did we mention that the “unforeseen consequences” is Oregon will have a plethora of unregistered, un-inspected, unlicensed autos and trucks, driven by an equal number of unlicensed drivers?

    Heaven forbid that once the “common man” gets a raise they can stick the money in savings, pay down debt, buy a newer car, purchase better health insurance, take the wife and kiddies out to a “real” restaurant. Oh no we need more “transportation” repair and projects. When is the last time the governor actually road the Portland light rail during rush hour? No, better spend money building and repairing roads while denying workers the ability to get to work.

    And the people in politics say we never see it coming, indeed!


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