This is how H.R.6001 would effect us all in both the near and the far term. The house is set to visit this sometime in 2009 and it is a good bill.
About This Legislation:
To rebalance the United States energy portfolio, to increase and utilize the Nation's domestic energy resources and supply, to strengthen energy security and independence, and for other purposes.
Provisions of the bill include:
· Opening the Outer Continental Shelf to responsible energy production, and bringing more oil and natural gas to the American people.
This is all about supply and if we are going to not import oil, propping up less than good governments. We need our own domestic supply.
· Allowing energy development within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which may hold up to 21 billion barrels of oil.
Again this is a supply thing, which we sorely need.
· Allowing new refineries to be built within the United States for the first time in 30 years.
More refineries mean more jobs. Not just to run the refinery but to build them as well supplying the materials needed to build them.
· Supporting the development of Coal-to-Liquids plants.
Also, a good way to supply high-end jobs and making the most out of a resource at the same time.
· Supporting building more nuclear plants, increasing the manufacturing and education base of the industry, and bringing more inexpensive, clean nuclear power onto the electricity grid while reprocessing used fuel for further use.
More jobs, more energy and a good way to return to a viable national economy.
· Providing a three-year production tax credit extension for wind and other renewable energy generation, including solar, efficiency improvements, plug-in hybrid vehicles and befouls.
This makes the purchase affordable to the common person who is really going to pay for all of the above via purchase.
. Investing in Research and Development for the energy needs of tomorrow, including cellulosic ethanol research and further Coal-to-Liquids development.
I think that this iss an excellent long-term idea, which will add jobs for future generations of Americans.
All in all this is a good bill because if creates more jobs that are long term, high wage, and sustainable. Making oil and electric purchase within reach of everyone. Not just a privileged few, not to mention the reemployment of thousands of people.
Your congressman needs to know that they should pass this bill, today!
Main Street U.S.A. Energy Security ActBill # H.R.6001
Original Sponsor:Steve Buyer (R-IN 4th)
Cosponsor Total: 21(last sponsor added 06/11/2008)
21 Republicans